Sunday, 29 September 2013

Pau, Bordeaux, Paris

I think I post too much. If you guys are getting sick of me, just tell me and I can lay off a little.

BUT gosh I had an amazing weekend. And my schedule is looking rather tasty for the next few weeks too :)

So, this weekend. Saturday I had class which was ugh but not so bad maybe because I don't do terribly in the sciences and the Chinese teacher has already put my in the hopless pile, where I relax most comfortably :)

Then that afternoon I came home and began to prepare the evening meal for the family (because I went all out). I had done the shopping for it Friday afternoon at a MASSIVE grocery store called Carrefour. anyway, I baked beer bread, and fried beer batter fish and oven baked some chips. Get it? Fish and chips ahahaha kiwi as bro. I also did a butterscotch self saucing pudding for dessert which was awesome. The family liked it and were very nice about it and I have to cook it again sometime apparently :) success.

And then today (Sunday) I went to my first chapter meeting. Contrary to what I previously believed, I don't actually know anybody in my chapter, but I had Marion with me and everyone else was equally unacquainted so between the group we made friends of eachother. Some interesting people of note:

Richard (Hungary): taught me how to count to ten in Hungarian! I've already forgotten but I will google it
Uhaina (French): really really nice and I taught her the cup song, she is hosting Richard
David (Czech Republic): speaks perfect English, and is equally nice

And I'll be seeing them again at the AFS camp in two weeks too!

Wich brings me to my schedule. So this weekend coming up Taryn Swete is coming over, as you all know, which I am excited about! Marion and Laure are going to come shopping with us too. The NEXT weekend the AFS camp is in Bordeaux, Marion and I are catching the train in and I get Saturday morning classes off! Then the NEXT weekend, we go to Paris and again I get classes off. Then as soon as I return, it is Alexia and Laures birthday party :)

Phewwww I'll be busy. But I am CRAZY looking forward to it all, I will probably post again after Taryn comes so until then,

Stay Super,

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