Okay so there are a few things to cover in this post.
The first is the snow. My goodness was it cold but WOW probably one of the most fun single days I have had here in France a serious, heartfelt, massive THANK YOU to Taryn and her incredible host mother Sylvie for taking me, I really had such a great time. We had a snowball fight and make snow angels and this awesome beans little kid let us have a turn on his luge thing it was just magical.
The rest of the sleepover was great too, did some shopping and caught up with some people from AFS New Zealand. And Taryn cut me a fringe!! I hope I can hang with her some more before I go, she's really been such a great friend to have here and I will legitimately miss her like crazy when I leave.
Been pretty chill apart from that, keeping up with school and all. Im going to the theatre tonight and eating in town with the girls before which will be fun. Also, I don't have enough details yet to elaborate much here yet but a French teacher from Rosehill College is coming here! We're going to meet up and she has a project in mind that I think will be really amazing, I'll let you all know more a bit later :)
It's around eight weeks now until I go home, and I'm in two minds about it. On one hand, the thought of seeing my family and friends again gives me excited butterflies every bit as strong as I had about coming here. On the other, this place is really amazing and it's hard to imagine that I'm just going to drop it so soon. That I might never do these daily things I love so much, crossing the road when I walk to school just to see the fish in the stream, leaning against the radiators before class starts until the teacher has to actually tell us to take our seats, sneaking my headphones into English and sleeping for an hour (sorry but I mean what's the use?). I can't get my around the fact that that's all going to just STOP.
Saying that, I do realise that this time I've been given here was a massive, unbelievable gift and that nothing could make it not worth coming here. Really, truly, thank you NZ ministry of education for just doing this award, and for giving it to lowly me. I promise I will always pay all of my taxes and take a serious interest in elections when I'm 18.
Also, a massive thank you to the people that have kept me sane while I'm here. It's so good to here from people back home, massive thank you to beautiful, entertaining, hilarious, magical SARAH WATSON whom I love for all your promises of the fun things we will do when I get back, so life won't seem dull by comparison (live is never dull with us haha)
AND CHEERS UNCLE STEVE AND FAMILY for the AWESOME amazing Christmas present, my host family loved the tree decorations, they're on there now, and I am really really truly grateful for the necklace (it's Saint Christopher readers, the patron saint of travellers).
Also, an emphatic, primary school style round of applause that actually forms a circle in the air to AFS New Zealand, for doing that predeparture camp so that I have friends in countries like Spain, and Sweden and America and Venezuela that I can just chat to. I love keeping up with everyone, this returnee camp is going to be mindblowing :)
That wraps it up for today kids. The usual love and kisses to you all, sorry I can't do personal shout outs to everyone. If you're keeping in contact with me, that's you I'm talking to :)
Stay Super,
Holly :)
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